Top Alternatives to Canny for Product Feedback Management

Top Alternatives to Canny for Product Feedback Management

In today’s competitive digital landscape, listening to your users’ feedback is very important for product success. There are many products available that manage users’ feedback so that you can focus on the important work of developing our product. Feel free to go through the list and pick the tool that makes most sense to you and your organisation!

Canny is a popular choice for product feedback management, it is easy to use, popular and has a lot of great features. In this article we will look at some of the alternatives to Canny and their key features.


Productboard is a comprehensive product management system. With its intuitive interface, teams can centralize feedback from various sources, including emails, support tickets, and customer conversations. Productboard’s customizable boards allow for easy categorization and prioritization of feedback. However, it is a very extensive product and may not suit your case incase you are looking for product feedbackl alone.


UserVoice is a product feedback management platform trusted by thousands of companies worldwide. It offers a range of features, including idea submission, discussion forums, and customer support ticketing.


A lightweight product feedback platform, Dezkr that cuts through the noise and is easy to use. Its generous free tier makes it the go-to choice for small companies and startups. It is suited for companies that are still using spreadsheets and other manual ways to track feedback from their users.

Feature Upvote

Feature Upvote is a straightforward feedback management tool designed to capture and prioritize feature requests from customers and internal teams. Its simple yet effective interface encourages user engagement and facilitates transparent communication between stakeholders. Feature Upvote’s voting system enables users to express their preferences, helping product teams identify and prioritize high-impact features efficiently.


UseResponse is a versatile feedback and help desk software that offers a comprehensive suite of tools for managing customer feedback, inquiries, and support tickets. Its unified platform allows teams to collect feedback from multiple channels, including email, chat, and social media, providing a centralized hub for customer interactions. UseResponse’s robust reporting and analytics capabilities enable teams to track key metrics and measure the impact of product changes over time. This is a very detailed software suited for companies which have a well trained and organized customer support team.